The Treatment For Stronger Teeth
September 1, 2016
The Strengthener For Teeth
Candy, ice, citrus, coffee and sticky foods are the stuff of nightmares for teeth. Chomping down on these types of foods will certainly increase the chance for more damage to be done and possibly cause your bright smile to diminish. Of course, brushing and flossing are always recommended as the fluoride in the toothpaste will help to fight off nasty cavity causing bacterias, but there is something even more protective that you can do. This “miracle” treatment will require a trip to the dentist, but isn’t your smile worth it?
Dentist OKC: Discusses Benefits Of Electric Toothbrushes
August 17, 2016
Dentist OKC: Reasons To Consider Using Electric Toothbrushes
When you arrive at the store to pick out a toothbrush you may be shocked at just how many different choices there are. It can leave you scratching your head in wonder at just how things became so complicated. These days, however; it’s rare to imagine a toothbrush being manual. Technology has brought us electric toothbrushes of many varieties for quite some time now. In case you’re still not sold on the idea of upgrading to an electric toothbrush, our dentist in OKC is going to list a few reasons why you might consider switching.
The Effects Of Sugar On Your Oral Health
August 10, 2016
Dentist OKC: Talking About Sugar & Oral Health
When you were a child, your parents probably told you that too much sugar would rot your teeth, right? Our parents did, too! While this may have helped us avoid a lot of stomach aches, it isn’t necessarily true. While sugar is the main cause of tooth decay, it isn’t necessary to completely cut out sugar from your diet. Taking good care of your teeth and seeing your dentist in OKC regularly can help you avoid cavities and tooth decay even with a diet high in sugar (of course, we’re not saying you should go out and gorge yourself on donuts, candy, and soda. Be reasonable with your diet choices). Today, our dentist in OKC is going to dive right in and talk about sugar, tooth decay, and prevention methods.
Is Sedation Dentistry Right For You?
August 1, 2016
What Is Sedation Dentistry And Why Have It?
One of the fears ingrained into the minds of most people is that of visiting the dentist. It seems to be a common misconception that dentists just love to cause others horrific amounts of pain, but let our Oklahoma City dentist be the first to say that he couldn’t feel more strongly about making patients feel as comfortable as possible. When the pain may be more than someone can handle or when the fear is just taking over, that’s when sedation dentistry is offered.
Silent Nite® Slide-Link Custom Fit Snore Guard
July 1, 2016
Sleep Without Hearing Your Partner Snore
Do you snore? Does your partner snore? Our Oklahoma City dentist understands that if you are one of those people, you’re definitely not alone! Over 80 million Americans are in the same predicament. When someone snores it is caused by the narrowing or relaxing of the back of the throat. Sometimes, the tongue can fall back causing blockage to the upper airway. The sound you, or others, hear from a snoring person is caused by the air trying to pass through from the lungs out of the nose and mouth. When the air can’t be released, as it should, it causes the vibrations which make the snoring sounds.
OraVerse: Numbing Reversal After Dental Work
June 1, 2016
Speeding Up The Numbing Reversal Process
How many times have you dreaded having to return to your daily routine after a visit to the dentist, because your mouth was still numb? For some people half of their day is a struggle as the numbing agent keeps their mouth and lips numb for many hours after their procedure has been completed. That’s what you get from a typical dentist, but we’re not your typical Oklahoma City dentist office! What if we told you that we have the trick to have you feeling normal much quicker? It’s true, we do!
Dental Exams And X-Rays For Less!
May 1, 2016
Fighting The Rising Cost Of Dental Insurance
Just like healthcare coverage, dental insurance costs have been rising. The expensive premiums for dental insurance have many people opting out of dental care coverage. Are you one of these people? Have you been avoiding a trip to the dentist for a while? It’s alright to admit it. We understand that financially it just doesn’t allow for some families to purchase dental insurance coverage.
Oklahoma City Dentist Offering This Teeth Whitening Deal!
April 1, 2016
OKC Dentist Provides Zoom In-Office Whitening
Do you want whiter teeth? Of course, who doesn’t want white teeth? Have you been avoiding a dentist visit, because you thought over-the-counter products would work? Here’s the low down on that situation.
You could easily spend anywhere from $12-60 on over-the-counter products with your choice of a wide selection from whitening strips, trays, or paint on gels. Then, you’re left asking yourself the same question everyone asks: “do any of them come close to getting you that bright smile that a dentist could give you”?
Visit The Dentist, Get Crowns In a Day!
March 1, 2016
CEREC: A Single Visit To The Dentist
Have you ever needed a crown? Do you remember the entire lengthy process the last time you visited a dentist? A while ago the procedure would have went something like this:
The old ways of the first dentist appointment for a crown:
The dentist would start by preparing the tooth or shaping it to be ready to take the crown.
You would have to have a mouth full of goo so that the dentist could take the impression(s).