Gum Disease Therapy Can Improve Your Smile and Help You Live Longer!
January 21, 2019
Did you know that an estimated 65 million Americans have gum disease? It can be easy to think, “What’s the big deal? As long as I don’t have cavities, my smile is healthy.” However, there’s a lot more to a healthy smile than teeth alone! Not only that, but studies have shown a strong link between your gums and your overall health, which makes it even more important to make sure gum disease is diagnosed and treated. In this blog, you’ll learn more about this common condition and what causes it as well as how gum disease therapy can help!
(more…)Sleep Apnea? Your Dentist Can Help
January 6, 2019
Do you drag yourself through the day barely able to stay awake? The problem may stem from sleep apnea. Your dentist can help by performing an oral exam, recommending a sleep study, or prescribing solutions such as a CPAP mask or prescription mouth guard. There’s no reason to suffer in silence when help is available.
(more…)Dental Implants – The Best Option for Replacing Missing Teeth
December 3, 2018
Whether you’re missing one or an entire set of teeth, you’ve noticed how it has impacted your oral health, functionality and confidence. With dental implants, though, you have a proven way to replace your teeth and restore your life to normal. Read on to learn what factors go in to determining your eligibility and what alternatives are available for patients who don’t qualify for the dental implant procedure.
(more…)Learn About Important Dental Insurance Changes in 2019
November 15, 2018
The vast majority of dental insurance policies work on a calendar-year basis. Most of the time, that simply means you have to review your benefits in November or December and make sure you want to stick with the same plan when a new year arrives. However, this year is a little different. A few significant changes are taking place that may affect your policy. Let’s discuss these changes and how you can make sure that your smile continues to have the coverage it needs in 2019 and beyond.
What Do I Need to Know About Dental Implants? Your Dentist Explains!
October 19, 2018
Whether it’s just one or several, missing teeth is a hassle, and you want yours replaced so you can get back to leading a normal life. The best procedure available to accomplish that goal is to have dental implants placed by your local dentist. You’ll then be able to eat the foods you love and regain the confidence to show your beautiful smile. As you read on, your dentist explains the different parts of the implant and their average costs so you can be informed about what it takes to complete this life-changing procedure!
Why Do I Have Bad Breath? Your Dentist Provides the Top 4 Reasons!
October 1, 2018
When you’re involved in a conversation with a person, the last thing you want to happen is to offend him or her with the smell of your breath. If this has become something you frequently have to worry about, your dentist says it could be a sign of a greater issue. As you continue reading, your dentist reveals the top 4 reasons for this problem so you can prevent serious oral health issues from arising or an existing condition from getting worse.
Your Dentist Explains How to Maximize Your Dental Insurance
September 24, 2018
As the end of another year rapidly approaches its end, your local dentist reminds you of the importance of maximizing your dental insurance and the benefits for you. You’ll discover why visiting your dentist is so vital to your oral health, and you’ll also learn about the payment options available if you don’t have dental insurance. Ultimately, as you read on, you’ll discover that there are no barriers stopping from you experiencing excellent oral health!
What Materials Does Your Dentist Use for Dental Implants?
August 19, 2018
Dental implants have technically been around for thousands of years, but the implants used back then are nothing like the ones you’ll find in a dental office today. In Ancient China, implants were made from bamboo 4,000 years ago. In Egypt, kings would use copper material to place implants, typically post-death. Of course, implants that were placed in live patients were always rejected. That is, until a dentist found the missing link.
This material is now the standard for all implant procedures, not just dental implants. Keep reading to learn what it is!
Learn the Services Dental Insurance May Cover from a Cosmetic Dentist
August 12, 2018
Sometimes it’s difficult to know whether a dental service you need is classified as a cosmetic treatment or a restorative one. If you’re used to using dental insurance to cover preventive treatments but are now dealing with a dental injury, you’re probably only now realizing how difficult it is to get insurance companies to cover your treatment. That’s why, according to a cosmetic dentist, you’ll need to know the right steps to improve your odds of getting coverage.
Here are the most important factors to consider.
The Materials a Dentist in 73134 Uses for All Dental Fillings
August 6, 2018
Do you still have metal fillings from when you were a kid but never had them replaced? Perhaps your silver filling is long overdue for replacement? Regardless of your situation, silver (amalgam) fillings are the old method of providing restorations, according to a dentist in 73134. Patients who want a more aesthetic solution to damaged teeth, without sacrificing the restoration’s effectiveness at protecting their oral health should consider tooth-colored fillings.
Keep reading to learn the benefits and materials used to restore your smile!