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Bluff Creek Dental Blog

4 Benefits of Dental Onlays

January 16, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 12:36 am
Dental onlay on a clay model

Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the entire body. That being said, it isn’t completely indestructible. Teeth can become damaged in various ways, whether that be decay or an injury. Fortunately, when addressed quickly, there are various restorations available to build up and repair your damaged tooth. Onlays are a popular option because of their numerous benefits. Continue reading to learn more about onlays and their benefits.


4 Flossing Mistakes & How to Correct Them

December 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 9:24 am
A closeup of a woman flossing

Using dental floss seems like a pretty easy task at first. What blunders could you possibly make when moving a piece of string between teeth? However, the truth is that it’s quite easy to make floss-related faux pas if you don’t act carefully. Your Edmond dentist takes those errors seriously and wants to make sure you don’t commit any of them. With that said, here’s a primer on four common flossing mistakes and how best to correct them.


This Toothache Is Driving Me Nuts; Are There Any Effective Home Remedies?

November 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 12:13 am
Lady applies cold compress to cheek

Toothaches are like asteroids: they may seem like a distant threat at first, but it really hurts when one hits you unexpectedly. While a severe, throbbing toothache is usually the result of an advanced tooth infection that requires the prompt attention of an emergency dentist, you may still need a way to stay comfortable until your appointment. Here are a few home remedies that can help you find some relief from your toothache.


Tender Sensations: What Can Cause Sensitivity in My Dental Implant?

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 8:07 pm
a man holding his jaw due to tooth sensitivity

Due to their ability to replace a missing tooth from the roots up, dental implants are one of the most comprehensive and long-lasting methods for restoring a person’s bite. With incredible stability and durability, you won’t have to worry about any complications that you might experience with traditional restorations. But how come you’ve started feeling sensitivity in the area where your titanium post is? Read on to learn what could cause a dental implant to feel tender or sensitive and tips for resolving this issue.


Tooth Decay Is the Scariest Monster Haunting the Halloween Season

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 10:03 pm
Jack-o-lantern leers at viewer

While monsters are known to come out to play during the Halloween season, the truth is that the most terrifying beasts children will face during this spookiest of the holidays are the harmful bacteria in their own mouths. While everyone knows that garlic repels vampires, silver gets rid of werewolves, and Frankenstein’s creature is afraid of fire, it’s also crucial to remember that you can keep tooth decay at bay with proper oral hygiene, smart eating habits, and regular dental visits. Here’s how to keep your child’s smile in great shape this Halloween.


Dental Deterioration Across the World: The Most Common Oral Health Problems

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 10:56 pm
Lady has oral pain

More people on Earth own a smartphone than a toothbrush. While this is certainly great for advertisers, it is not so beneficial for people’s oral health, and many people across the world live with unfortunate and often preventable dental conditions that reduce their quality of life and can lead to serious health complications. Here is a brief overview of a few of the most common dental problems in the world along with a few tips for preventing them.


Why Do My Dentures Smell Bad? 

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 7:17 pm
older person with dentures smiling

Dentures can significantly boost your confidence during meals and social interactions. However, if not properly maintained, they may develop unpleasant odors. To enjoy their full benefits and keep them fresh, regular cleaning and care are essential. This helps prevent bad smells and ensures you continue to benefit from your dentures. Keep reading to understand why dentures might start to smell and discover simple tips for preventing this issue.


Important Tips for Avoiding Dental Emergencies

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 6:43 pm
Girl wearing a sports mouthguard

Sometimes in life, accidents happen. But while some are totally random, some can be easily prevented when you take the proper precautions. For example, you can reduce your home’s risk of frozen pipes if you drip your faucets during freezing temperatures or lower your risk of getting a sunburn if you wear sunblock. The same holds true for dental emergencies. While you can’t always prevent everything that could go wrong with your mouth, there are still many measures you can take to lower your risks of injury.


Let’s Take a Minute to Appreciate Our Dental Hygienists

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 9:25 pm
Dental hygienist smiles

We’ve all encountered dental hygienists during our trips to the dentist’s office, but many may not be aware of all they do to preserve their patients’ oral health. People often spend most of their dental appointments with a dental hygienist, and their job is often more complicated than they receive credit for. Here’s a brief overview of all that your dental hygienist does for your oral health to help you appreciate them a bit more.


Breathing Easy: Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry Safe?

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 6:28 pm
Patient discussing sedation dentistry with their dentist

The use of various medicines to reduce pain and anxiety during procedures of all kinds has been around for centuries. However, there has never been a time that compares to today with modern anesthetics and sedatives. Now, nitrous oxide can be used for virtually any patient to help them relax. But is nitrous oxide safe to use for sedation dentistry? Continue reading to learn more about this gas’s safety and effectiveness.

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